Panos Love this presenter on the travel show.. GreekBeat smooth voice helps me relax. Zitw h ellas :)) Jojo Gringo listening in! please play a song for the Greeks in Italy! Sara this is just fantastiko!


2 Results / Page 1 of 1


Don’t Trust Your Indoor Thoughts

Lifestyle With SOUL #4 Don't trust your indoor thoughts. Imagine you’re sitting in your living room, staring at the same four walls. Your thoughts swirl in familiar patterns, ideas recycling themselves endlessly. This is your indoor mind, a mind confined by your immediate environment. What you may not realize is how much your surroundings shape your thinking. Step outside, wander through a bustling city, or lose yourself in the vastness […]

todayJuly 21, 2024 1


Your Karma is Connected with Your Success in Life

The Invisible Force Behind Success Your Karma is Connected with Your Success in Life. A lot of people believe that success is a result of hard work, talent, and sometimes, luck. Of course these factors play significant roles in maintain success, but there’s another one element at play that is often overlooked, karma. A lot of successful people, whether they know it or not, have reached high levels of success […]

todayJuly 14, 2024


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